Archive for Watching

Movies Or Reading?

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , on December 18, 2013 by mtsmiththeauthor

I love the movies! When times were easier, my best buddy, Lloyd, and I would head to the theater bright and early on a Monday in the summer, pay the $5 for the first movie playing that day, watch it, then we would literally bounce from movie to movie until the whole place closed. Thinking back, it sounds pretty terrible to me now that we did that, but hey…we were barely teenagers and broke. Now that I’m older, instead of spending my time in the movie theater, I spend it in the bookstore/Starbucks. If you follow my twitter (@AuthorMTSmith), you’d know that I’m in here everyday, all day just reading and writing away. What a trade off I’ve made!

But…I’m not going to sit here and say that I’m just a fan of reading and writing now, in fact I’m still not the best at curling up with a hefty piece of literature and reading it cover to cover; and I still love movies (just saw The Hobbit…yes…more please…The Hobbit…yes!). I can say, I do have a bigger appreciation for the written word now. This gets me thinking though, “With my new found appreciation for words, why don’t I sit down and just read?”

If you read my last blog entry you’ll know that I am a visual guy; a visual guy that has a hard time sitting still. And what is it that usually makes me sit still? A movie. Haha.

So from this I pose the following questions:

Everybody goes to the movies and most go often but not everyone reads books or reads books often. What would you say are the top three things that would make you stop, pick up a book, and actually read it from cover to cover? And for movie-goers that don’t read books all that often what is missing from books nowadays that keep you at bay?
